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victory天下足球_because of you

tamoadmin 2024-07-17
1.南非世界杯演唱会 夏奇拉唱的第一首歌叫啥?2.疯狂的足球经典语录3.十大气势背景音乐有哪些?4.求一些胜利的歌,有的5.推荐几个震撼人心的纯音乐(要多)6.

1.南非世界杯演唱会 夏奇拉唱的第一首歌叫啥?






7.100分!!! 听过大量歌的朋友来 100分哦 好的话我再追加50分!!! 请推荐12首非常非常好听的歌啊!!!!!!

victory天下足球_because of you


Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields(圣马丁室内乐团) -《焰火晚会 水上音乐》(Music for the Royal Firworks.Water Music)[APE]

anne-sophie mutter -《柴科夫斯基与康格尔德小提琴协奏曲》

Ayman -《大巫师》(Dancing with My Soul)[MP3!]

Accardo (阿卡多) -《魔鬼的颤音》(Diabolus in Musica)APE/MP3

奥地利维也纳交响乐团 -《2001世纪新年音乐会》[MP3!]

Alan Young -《黑毒》(Black Magic)



Arne Domnerus及其爵士乐组合Bengt Hailberg, Georg Riedel, Egil Johansen -《当铺爵士》(Jazz at the Pawnshop)XRCD[APE]

Asher.Quinn.-.-《Silent Night》


Boston Pop(波士顿大众管弦乐团) -《动物狂欢节》(Classics for Children)[APE]

BANDARI -《班德瑞系列-全13张》

鲍勃·詹姆斯-艾尔·克鲁格 -《清凉》(COOL)[APE]

Bond(古典辣妹) -《3张专辑和BOUNS MV》[APE]

Brad White & Pierre Grile -《梦幻岛》(Isle Of Drerms)


北京梵乐团 -《北京智化寺音乐(一)及(二)》(Music of Beijing Zhi Hwa Temple Vol.1&2)


川井郁子 -《红色》(THE RED VIOLIN)[MP3!]

川井郁子 -《缪斯女神》(Ikuko Kawai-Violin Muse)[MP3!]

川井郁子 -《第六感》(Ikuko Kawai - Instinct)[MP3!]

Chuck Brown -《深呼吸》(Breathe)[MP3!]

常静 -《离弦》[MP3!]


Chris Spheeris -《欲望》(Chris Spheeris - DESIRES)[MP3!]

Chris Spheeris -《与缪斯共舞》(Chris Spheeris - DANCING WITH THE MUSE)[MP3!]

CCTV -《CCTV 5 音乐全纪录》

Checkfield -《大沼泽地国家公园》(Music from Everglades National Park)

Chopin -《肖邦全集》(Complete Edition(DG))[APE]

Chris Spheeris -[Enchantment]


Chris Spheeris & Paul Voudouris -《梦回欧罗巴》(Europa) 原装美版 [APE]

曹丁,陈燮阳等 -《中华人民共和国国歌》


《柴可夫斯基交响曲全集》(Tchaikovsky . 6 Symphony. Karajan)70'年代版(1-6) - 卡拉扬指挥, 柏林爱乐乐园演奏[APE]

纯音乐 -《真爱传情系列-真爱密码》(Chinese Bamboo Flute Music)[APE]

纯音乐 -《口哨音乐天碟》(Chinese Bamboo Flute Music)[APE]

纯音乐 -《洞箫 - 红楼梦》(Chinese Bamboo Flute Music)[APE]

纯音乐 -《万事如意》[APE]

纯音乐 -《听遍中国系列之1-新疆音乐》[MP3!]

纯音乐 -《听遍中国系列之2-内蒙古音乐》[MP3!]

纯音乐 -《听遍中国系列之3-西藏音乐》[MP3!]

纯音乐 -《听遍中国系列之4-四川音乐》[MP3!]

纯音乐 -《听遍中国系列之5-云南音乐》[MP3!]

纯音乐 -《抒情中国系列-东方美人》[MP3!]

纯音乐 -《抒情中国系列-彩云南天》[MP3!]

纯音乐 -《抒情中国系列-烟雨江南》[MP3!]

纯音乐 -《抒情中国系列-红楼梦》[MP3!]

陈美 -《缤纷之舞》(Choreography)





纯音乐- 《森林物语》



纯音乐 -《[水晶清音乐系列]6CD》风潮唱片


纯音乐 -《胎教音乐系列(2CD 天使宝贝 + 妈咪的爱)》

纯音乐 -《无字天碟》


纯音乐 -《一意孤行》(XRCD)

纯音乐 -《印度音乐》(The Best of INDIA Song & Music)320k

纯音乐 - 《中国二胡十大金曲》

纯音乐 -《中国古代十大金曲》

纯音乐 -《中国古典十大金曲》

纯音乐 -《中国江南丝竹十大金曲》

纯音乐 -《中国民族十大金曲》


Danny Wright -《黑与白》

Dan Gibson -《Solitudes 全集》

Did Bowie -《Did Bowie Narrates Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf"》


Did Didson & Russell Dis -《扣人心弦怀旧金曲》(Classic Heartstrings)

Did Osborne -《白钢琴》(Did Osborne Introducing)

Did Osborne -《黑钢琴》(Music of the Night)

Dire Straits -《Brothers in Arms》

Dmitry Shostakovich -《Shostakovich: Symphonies No.5 and No.9》

Dream Theater -《Images and Words》

东方女子乐坊 -《光芒》


《二十世纪最伟大的音乐家作品回顾》(The Yellow Guide classical music)DGG唱片公司录音,PolyGram公司出版[APE]

Esther Ofarim伊斯特·奥法林 -《爱是他》(Esther)XRCD2[APE]

Enigma -《5张专辑+1张精选》

Enya -《恩雅-榕树下的思忆》(The Memory Of Trees)[APE]

ERA -《The Mass》

Essential Guitar: 33 Guitar Masterpieces, 2CD)[APE]




发烧天碟 -《打烂玻璃》(Rehearsal)[APE]

Faramarz Payvar -《伊朗-波斯古典音乐》(Iran - Persian Classical Music)74年LP再版


范宗沛 -《水色》

风潮唱片 -[国外代理馆-发烧系列片-世间女子][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[宗教音乐馆-佛曲古筝礼赞系列-掬水][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[中国音乐馆-夸父音乐系列][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-听见大自然系列][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-音乐风系列-收藏林慧玲的音乐情诗][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-少数民族印象之旅系列-春漫拉萨][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-少数民族印象之旅系列-大漠秋凉][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-少数民族印象之旅系列-天山之冬][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-少数民族印象之旅系列-图腾之舞][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-少数民族印象之旅系列-夏夜篝火][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-少数民族印象之旅系列-星月传说][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[心灵音乐馆- Spa Life音乐系列-自然SPA][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[心灵音乐馆-闲情听茶系列-铁观音][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[宗教音乐馆-藏音快乐颂系列-欢喜金刚心][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-音乐风系列-三颗猫饼干][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-配乐系列-风中绯樱][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-器乐演奏家系列-林海.猫][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-器乐演奏家系列-月光边境][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-器乐演奏家系列-第33个街角转弯][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[心灵音乐馆-心灵音乐诗系列-七星海][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-音乐风系列-笑弯了一根扁担][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-配乐系列-范宗沛经典配乐选辑][MP3!]

风潮唱片 -[当代音乐馆-器乐演奏家系列-故事][MP3!]































风潮唱片 -[美容养生系列(Music For Beauty)(Music For Beauty)]




















风潮唱片 -[心灵音乐馆-音乐画廊系列]



风潮唱片-《新世纪.钢琴曲.雨的秘密》(Misty rain)[APE]









风潮代理片音乐馆- 《发烧系列片》

风潮代理片音乐馆 -《荷兰OREADE新世纪音乐系列》

风潮当代音乐馆 - 《东方的天使之音系列》

风潮当代音乐馆 - 《马修.连恩》

付娜 -《古筝-渔光曲》

弗兰兹·舒伯特 -《冬之旅》(Winterreise)



Gary Karr et al. -《伦敦低音大提琴》(The London Double Bass Sound)[APE]


Gentle Persuasion -《太平洋海声》(Peaceful Ocean Surf)1987 USA 版本CD压制

George Winston -《乔治温斯顿四季精选》(All The Seasons Of George Winston - Piano Solos)[APE]

George Winston -《关于蒙那塔的爱情故事》(Montana: A Love Story)

Glenn Gould 古尔德 -《巴赫:钢琴十二平均律》(BACH:THE WELL-TEMPERED CLAVIER,BOOK 1 and 2)[APE]

Gregorian -《Masters Of Chant ChapterⅢ》

甘雅丹 -《老祖屋》

高晓松 -《青春无悔》珍藏版

《格莱美全集[1995-2004]》(Grammy Nominees)


《古典音乐CD百科》(The Classical Collection)


Hossam Ramzy -《Sabla Tolo》埃及鼓乐大师拉姆齐的埃及手鼓darbouka独奏唱片[MP3!]

《爱乐交响乐团演奏名曲精萃二》(The Royal Philharmonic Collection)[APE]

《海洋梦幻音乐系列》(FANTASY MUSIC)[MP3!]

Horowitz -《霍洛维茨演奏莫扎特作品》(Horowitz Plays Mozart)[APE]

Hevia -《另一面》(The Other Side)[MP3!]

Hevia -《无人岛》(NO-MAN`S LAND)专集名为西班牙文[MP3!]

黄春艳 -《黑衣壮之歌》(Song Of The Dark Cloth Zhuang)[MP3!]


Hilary Hahn -《Bach Concertos》

Hilary Hahn -《Mendelssohn & Shostakovich: Violin Concertos》

Hilary -《不死传说》(Hilary Stagg)

和平之月 -《华2》(road to OASIS)

和平之月 -《兰2》(ORCHID2)

和平之月 -《华》(asian blossoms)

和平之月 -《兰》(ORCHID)

和平之月 -《遥》(Far a way)

和平之月 -《雅》(Graces Of Asia)

和平之月 -《河》(River)

和平之月 -《梵天》(BONTEN)

和平之月 -《浪漫》(Roman)

和平之月 -《虹》(Rainbow)

和平之月 -《雪》(snow)

和平之月 -《雪》(snow)

何训田 -《波罗密多》

何永泰 -《世界口琴冠军》(Harmonica World Champion Debut Album)[APE]

黑森林全集(Deep Forest Discography)8CD

黑鸭子合唱团 -《伴你二十年特辑 黑鸭子圣诞经典》

亨德尔 -《室内乐全集》(Handel - Complete Chamber Music)BRILLIANT CLASSICS(6CD BOX)[APE]

华纳 -《白色恋人》(Love Songs)

《华人**音乐典藏馆》精选集 HDCD[APE]

黄红英 -《俄罗斯之旅》

黄江琴 -《二胡-东风破》

黄江琴 -《二胡-有谁共鸣》



Itzhak Perlman -《提琴小品精选》(Violin - Itzhak Perlman Encores)[APE]

南非世界杯演唱会 夏奇拉唱的第一首歌叫啥?





1.Forever-Sage Genius 点击试听


2.Burning Up For You-Sara 点击试听


3.Rage Your Dream-Move 点击试听


4.Explosive-Bond 点击试听


5.Victory-Bond 点击试听


6.Around The World-Aqua 点击试听


7.花火-高耀太 点击试听


8.七年的爱-金贤政 点击试听


9.Partner For Life-SG Wanna Be 点击试听


10.Don t push me-Sweetbox 点击试听


11.Tonight I feel close to you-仓木麻衣/孙燕姿 点击试听


12.Toxic-布兰妮 点击试听


13.Walking In The Sun-tris 点击试听


14.Over Drive-JUDY AND MARY 点击试听


15.Be My Babe-Jilly 点击试听



1.Anthem Vangelis 点击试听


2.Rendez Vous98-Michel Jarre 点击试听


3.Campione EURO 2000-E Type 点击试听


4.Attraction-小泽正橙 点击试听


5.Hips Dont Lie-Shakira 点击试听


6.Ole!We Are The Champion 点击试听



://baike.baidu/view/326547.htm ?叫《She?wolf》


其实,你回://.tudou/programs/view/7WemAbm0IjE/ ?看看,土豆网下面有一个“信息”上面有的。



Bill Shankly :

"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."

2 "If Everton were playing at the bottom of the garden, I'd pull the curtains." Bill Shankly

3 "The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they don't know the game." Bill Shankly

4 "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe that you are the best and then make sure that you are. In my time at Liverpool we always said we had the best two teams in Merseyside, Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." Bill Shankly

5 "If you're in the penalty area and don't know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we'll discuss the options later." Bob Paisley

6 "Liverpool was made for me and I was made for Liverpool." Bill Shankly

Roy Evans 7 "Liverpool without European football is like a banquet without wine." Roy Evans

8 "Mind you, I've been here during the bad times too - one year we came second." Bob Paisley

9 "I hate talking about football. I just do it, you know?" Robbie Fowler

10 "Sometimes I feel I'm hardly wanted in this Liverpool team. If I get two or three ses to make, I've had a busy day." Ray Clemence

11 "Anyone who doesn't learn from Ian Rush needs shooting." Robbie Fowler

12 "Liverpool are magic, Everton are tragic." Emlyn Hughes

13 "I'd kick my own brother if necessary... it's what being a professional footballer is all about." Steve McMahon

Ian Rush 14 "It was like playing in a foreign country." Ian Rush on his time with Juventus in Italy

15 "I said to Kevin (Keegan), 'I'll go near post' and he replied, 'No, just go for the ball.'" Tommy Smith

16 "Anybody who plays for me should be a bad loser." Graeme Souness.

17 "It's best being a striker. If you miss five then score the winner, you're a hero. The goalkeeper can play a blinder, then let one in… and he's a villain." Ian Rush

18 "Of course I didn't take my wife to see Rochdale as an anniversary present, it was her birthday. Would I he got married in the football season? Anyway, it was Rochdale reserves." Bill Shankly

Kevin Keegan 19 "They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Heighway and he's nothing like him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different." Kevin Keegan

20 "Bruce Grobbelaar will play on until he is 40 - and at the top level." Bruce Grobbelaar

21 "He's better than Brian Lara because he's 600 not out. What a guy." Roy Evans on Ian Rush's 600th earance for Liverpool

22 "Should the aggregate score be level after 90 minutes, extra time will be played." Fulham's matchday programme for the second leg of the Littlewoods Cup tie in 1986-87. Liverpool were 10-0 up from the first leg

23 "There are those who say maybe I should forget about football. Maybe I should forget about breathing." Gerard Houllier

24 "Nobody likes being criticised, particularly by players who will be in Disneyland this summer on their holidays rather than the World Cup in Japan." Phil Thompson responding to criticism from Frank de Boer of Barcelona who said Liverpool were boring

25 "Son, you'll do well here as long as you remember two things. Don't over-eat and don't lose your accent." Bill Shankly to Ian St John

26 "If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing." Bill Shankly

27 "Don't worry Alan. At least you'll be able to play close to a great team!" Bill Shankly to Alan Ball after he signed for Everton

28 "Shanks was the father figure but Roger Hunt was something special. It might sound daft but just picking up his sweaty kit ge me satisfaction.” Phil Thompson

29 "As Arnold Schwarzenegger said, 'I'll be back." Gerard Houllier

30 "There is no way the second half can be as entertaining as the first." Alan Hansen during the UEFA Cup Final v Ales with Liverpool leading 3-1 at half time

31 "We don't he any splits here. The players country is Liverpool Football Club and their language is football." Gerard Houllier

32 "It's there to remind our lads who they're playing for, and to remind the opposition who they're playing against." Bill Shankly about the 'This is Anfield' plaque

33 "Just go out and drop a few hand grenades all over the place son." Bill Shankly to Kevin Keegan

34 "It broke my heart to lee Liverpool." Kenny Dalglish

35 "Ay, here we are with problems at the top of the league." Bill Shankly suggesting to a journalist that Liverpool were in difficulties

36 "Where are you from?" "I'm a Liverpool fan from London." "Well laddie, what's it like to be in heen?" Bill Shankly to a Liverpool fan

37 "Yes Roger Hunt misses a few, but he gets in the right place to miss them." Bill Shankly to a reporter

38 "With him in defence, we could play Arthur Askey in goal." Bill Shankly after signing Ron Yeats

39 "Steve Nicol never gives more than 120 per cent." Kevin Keegan

40 "At Liverpool we never accept second best." Kenny Dalglish

41 "Bill was so strong it was unbelievable. You couldn't shake him off the ball. It didn't matter where he was playing, though I suppose his best position was outside-left. He could go round you, or past you, or even straight through you sometimes!" Bob Paisley on Billy Liddell

Gerard Houllier 42 "We will beat them one day, I can promise you that!" Gerard Houllier on Manchester United

43 "If anybody thinks either myself or my team are afraid of Liverpool, they can think again. I believe I've got a team that can go out and do the business against them." Coventry manager John Sillett before a match with Liverpool in 1987. Liverpool won 4-1 with Sillett declaring them champions elect in August.

44 "For me Liverpool can he Everton's title right now! Everton are good but Liverpool are better. They are the best in England – the side we can all learn from." Coventry boss John Sillett on Liverpool's title chances after Kenny Dalglish's new look team's second match of the season. Sillett was to be proved right as the 1987-88 Reds side of course went on to win the league

45 "You can't build a cathedral in a day. A look at the club's history tells you these things take time." Gerard Houllier

46. Barnes did what we expected him to do. He made a goal, scored one, and entertained. You remember that." Kenny Dalglish after John Barnes Anfield debut for Liverpool in a 2-0 win over Oxford in 1987

46 "He couldn't play anyway. I only wanted him for the reserve team!" Bill Shankly upon hearing Celtic's Lou Macari had snubbed Liverpool in four of a move to Manchester United."

47 "Laddie, I never drop players, I only make changes." Bill Shankly to a journalist who criticised his team selection

48 "I don't believe everything Bill tells me about his players. Had they been that good, they'd not only he won the European Cup but the Ryder Cup, the Boat Race and even the Grand National!" Celtic manager Jock Stein on Bill Shankly

49 "We’ve got a lot of Cockneys in the team, but really, it doesn’t matter where they’re from – we’re all playing for Liverpool.” Robbie Fowler

50 "It's great grass at Anfield, professional grass!" Bill Shankly comparing the Anfield pitch to other grounds

51 "I owe Bob more than I owe anybody else in the game. There will never be another like him." Kenny Dalglish on Bob Paisley

52 "I go by records and Bob Paisley is the No 1 manager ever!" Alan Hansen.

53 "Liverpool wouldn't be the club it is today without Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley and the players who played there. When I first went there it was a typical Second Division ground and look at it now!" Ian Callaghan

54 "If Shankly was the Anfield foreman, Paisley was the brickie, ready to build an empire with his own hands." Tommy Smith

55 "I was Bob's first signing. He changed my life, as he did so many others. He ge us great memories and you can't put a price on that. He made me an adopted scouser." Phil Neal

Did Moores 56 "Bob's knowledge of players and the game in general is unsurpassed. Football has known no equal in management or prize-winning, but his modesty and dignity were overwhelming as he led this club from one triumph to another. His name will always be synonymous with Liverpool." Liverpool chairman Did Moores on Bob Paisley

57 "Hold on a minute, John Wayne hasn't arrived yet." Bill Shankly to the awaiting TV crews and journalists for the press conference to announce he was retiring from football

58 "Liverpool had such a marvellous group of players. It was no surprise the trophies kept coming." Kenny Dalglish

59 "I may he left Liverpool but the city and club will always be part of me." Kenny Dalglish

60 "If Liverpool had waited until the summer, and then asked me to go back as manager, I would he gone back." Kenny Dalglish, hing had time to reflect on standing down as Liverpool manager in 199

61 "He was the greatest person I know." Ron Yeats on Bill Shankly

62 "I always carry a picture of him, he comes into my conversation a lot; I learned a lot from him and owe the man a great deal." Kevin Keegan on Shankly

63 "The difference between Everton and the Queen Mary is that Everton carry more passengers!" Bill Shankly

64 On awaiting Everton's arrival for a derby game at Anfield, Bill Shankly ge a box of toilet rolls to the doorman and said: "Give them these when they arrive – they'll need them!"

65 "If Shankly had been paid overtime, he'd he been a millionaire." Tommy Docherty on Bill Shankly

Graeme Souness 66 "He's better than Platini, certainly better than Rumminegge and Maradona. For me he is the greatest footballer in the world." Graeme Souness on Kenny Dalglish

67 "I used to stand on the Kop when I was here in 1969. The atmosphere and passion on the pitch as well as the terraces was intoxicating and Liverpool became part of me from that day on." Gerard Houllier

68 "Our job is to make the fans hy. When we win, 45,000 people go home hy. When we lose, it not only affects them, it affects their cats." Gerard Houllier

69 "We don't destroy our heroes today when we worshipped them yesterday." Gerard Houllier.

70 'The only pleasure I take is that the fans are hy with the team. But I don’t believe in anything other than my team." Gerard Houllier.

71 "I notice a former captain of ours said recently that this squad is so good that we don’t need a manager. I took this as a great compliment. He must he changed his mind since leing as he said at the time that Phil Thompson and I would drag the club down. On that point I suppose he was right - we dragged the club down to Cardiff three times in the last 10 months." Gerard Houllier referring to comments made by Paul Ince

72 “We scored 127 goals - the third highest total in the club's history. Although, if you believe everything you read in the papers, 126 probably came from a breakaway from the edge of our penalty area. The other one was probably an own goal.” Gerard Houllier

73 "Liverpool players must play like a lion, give his all. There must be determination, commitment and resolve to be a Liverpool player." Gerard Houllier

74 "These players are my true heroes." Gerard Houllier

75 "Players he responsibilities, because, whether they like it or not, they are public figures. They he to be aware that the people who come to the ground spend fortunes in relation to what they earn." Gerard Houllier

76 "When I see the Bill Shankly statue, I look at the sentiment on the base. It says: 'He made the people hy’. Well now the modern Liverpool is making the fans and the city hy. And that makes me so proud." Gerard Houllier

77 "To me, the team is more important than any individual member of the squad, and the players he to realise that and accept that my priority is to pick a side with the best possible chance of winning each match." Gerard Houllier

78 "I want to keep an English heart to the team. I believe in that. Michael Owen is that. Never think Michael is afraid of anything." Gerard Houllier

79 "At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques". Bill Shankly on boardroom meetings

80 "I'm just one of the people who stands on the kop. They think the same as I do, and I think the same as they do. It's a kind of marriage of people who like each other." Bill Shankly on the fans

81 "If he isn't named Footballer of the Year, football should be stopped and the men who picked any other player should be sent to the Kremlin" Bill Shankly on Tommy Smith

82 "It was the most difficult thing in the world, when I went to tell the chairman. It was like walking to the electric chair. That's the way it felt." Bill Shankly on the leing of Liverpool

84 "The only thing I fear is missing an open goal in front of the Kop. I would die if that were to hen. When they start singing 'You'll Never Walk Alone' my eyes start to water. There he been times when I've actually been crying while I've been playing". Kevin Keegan

Ian St John 85 The goal looked as big as the Mersey Tunnel." Ian St John after his winning goal in the 1965 FA Cup Final against Leeds.

86 "If a player is not interfering with play or seeking to gain an advantage, then he should be." Bill Shankly on the off-side rule

87 "Take that bandage off. And what do you mean about YOUR knee? It's Liverpool's knee!" Bill Shankly to Tommy Smith, who had a bandage on his injured knee

88 “Ladies and Gentlemen, yesterday at Wembley we might he lost the Cup but you the Liverpool people he won everything. You he won the admiration of the policemen in London and you he won the admiration of the public in London." Bill Shankly after losing the FA Cup in 11 to Arsenal

89 "Chairman Mao has never seen a greater show of red strength." Bill Shankly

90 "It is our fifth trophy in just a matter of months and that shows what can be achieved when you he a united team who he great trust in each other." Gerard Houllier after Liverpool won the Super Cup in Monaco

91 "This was a special atmosphere only Anfield can produce. This was St Etienne part two and the fans cheered every tackle and it's one of the greatest nights in this football club's history." Phil Thompson after Liverpool's 2-0 victory over Roma in the Champions League 2002

92 "I will never forget today and I want to thank all the fans who ge me such a great ovation. They were immense. I thought I would get a decent reception but that surpassed all my wildest dreams. That sort of ovation is normally reserved for players who he won European Cups for a club. It was a brilliant day and it was nice to hear the Kop's humour at its best again when they were telling me to go back to Coventry." Gary McAllister after his last game for Liverpool at Anfield

93 "Playing Roma in Rome in the European Cup final and scoring a penalty in the shoot out to help us win it. That was my very last kick for Liverpool and it doesn't really get any better than that." Graeme Souness

Sammy Lee 94 "We are the real people's club." Sammy Lee

95 "He has not changed his religion." Gerard Houllier to a reporter when asked if Nick Barmby would become a recluse following his move from Everton to Liverpool

96 "I used to hate Ian Rush when I was young, because I was a devout Evertonian in those days, and he seemed to score every time Liverpool played against us. It's strange to think he used to support Everton too when he was a kid. He was brilliant to me at Anfield always giving me good advice." Robbie Fowler

"I was once offered Eric Cantona at Liverpool." Graeme Souness admitting he turned down the chance to sign the Frenchman during his reign as Liverpool manager

98 "You may he found me mean and thirsty in my search for trophies, but the bad news is the man who is taking my place is hungrier than me. Fagan's the name and I don't think he'll need any help from the Artful Dodger!" Bob Paisley on Joe Fagan

99 "If you can't make decisions in life, you're a bloody menace. You'd be better becoming an MP!" Bill Shankly

100 "I just hoped that after the trials and tribulations of my early years in management, someone up high would smile on me and guide my hand. My plea was answered when we got Kenny Dalglish. What a player, what a great professional!" Bob Paisley


十大气势背景音乐有《she is my sin》、《the dawn》、《The Mass》、《He's a Pirate》、《Hero's Theme》、《Attraction》、《Electric Romeo》、《Halo》、《run free》、《Conquest of Paradise》。

《He's a Pirate》

这是著名**《?加勒比海盗》的配乐,每当**的主人公Jack船长将剧情推向高潮时就会响起。he's a pirate是**配乐大师克劳斯巴德尔特(Klaus Badelt)和**配乐大师汉斯季末(Hans Zimmer)共同完成的作品,中文译名为:他是一个海盗。pirate为海盗的意思。该曲是十大气势背景音乐之一,许多电视节目中都用到过。总的来说,这是一首感人的、有气势的自由之歌,它将自由诠释的天衣无缝。


和十佳球的背景音乐 ?作者是小泽正澄,在日本音乐界很出名, 这首旋律是电吉他的代表作,尤其是受到喜爱足球的疯狂追捧。 ?并在众多媒体中得以应用,使大家耳熟能详。 ?媒体评论为“让人热血沸腾的背景音乐”

《Electric Romeo》

作为一首教父级配乐,以“战争”为题材, 以宏伟的气势,壮观的景象,猛烈的节奏感为 主题, 使人重新看到了真正霸气的音乐, 真正励志的音乐。如果要上升到一个高度的话,那就是一种精神, 一种永不言败的精神,一种为战而战的精神。这首音乐可谓是战争的“万能配乐”。直到现在, 很多的游戏、**、宣传片、各种原创等都在用到这首音乐。《Electric romeo》如一根充满火焰的针,挑起人们心中那根正在沉睡,等待奋战的神经,使人们不屈向前。它,百听不厌;它,永垂不朽。


歌曲《we are the champion》《moment of glory》不错的



十大震撼人心的纯音乐有:《Pacific Rim》、《Star Sky》、《Warriors》、《Victory》、《Breath and Life》、《Empire of Angels》、《Icarus》、《Freedom is Ours》、《The fallen》、《Helmet to Helmet》。


1、《Pacific Rim(《环太平洋》配乐)》:作为一部2011年上映的科幻片,环太平洋的剧情只是老套的机甲大战怪兽的故事,但它的光影特效哪怕放到现在来看也是十分顶尖的水平,而其中场面恢弘,打击感十足的战斗场面搭配上这首四射的BGM,营造出一种战斗之前的紧张感,让观众体会到战斗在钢铁丛林和海洋深处的澎湃热血。

2、《Star Sky》:Star Sky是来自美国的音乐工作组Two Steps From Hell(地狱咫尺)创作的音乐,开头澎湃,之后的女声悠扬回荡,高潮合唱时大气蓬勃,给人以大战在即,千军万马,浩气轩昂的感觉,音乐与人声相辅相成,塑造了一篇壮丽的战争史诗。


4、《Breath and Life》:Breath?and?Life中文译为呼吸与生命,是Audiomachine的一首纯音乐。经历过重重困难,最终步入高速进程,就像人生的旅程,生命伊始,对命运的主宰欲望促使生命不断的挑战征服一块块未知领域,倾尽全力的攀登生命的高峰,可歌可泣的征服历程,就像站在全速行驶的巨轮的最前方,将我们送往生命初始时期的永恒……

100分!!! 听过大量歌的朋友来 100分哦 好的话我再追加50分!!! 请推荐12首非常非常好听的歌啊!!!!!!






《出埃及记》原为1960年的**《出埃及记》主题歌曲及片尾曲。来自古老的西域,随着钢琴师指下奔流着激昂的旋律,我们仿佛听到那曾经的繁华,那曾经狂嘶的烈马、那曾经腾然的狼烟、那依然在飞旋的舞步,还有那激奋的羯鼓、肃穆的佛子、缓行的商队,残破的驿道,荒凉的古城,七八匹桀骜不逊的野马,三五杯血红的酒,以及那连绵不断的座座城堡……都已被那浩茫茫的大漠洗礼得苍凉斑驳。倚在白沙与蓝天之间,这是怎样的一幅醉人心魄的画,令人震撼无声。更重要的是人心的振奋、自由的向往、誓死不归的追求。目前比较出名的是马克西姆·姆尔维察在《The Piano Player专辑》中的《出埃及记》。

苏维埃进行曲(Soviet March)

这是著名单机游戏《红色警戒3(Red Alart·III)》,属于军歌风格的游戏音乐,本曲气势恢宏,使人热血沸腾,由美国创作,极具前苏联军歌风格。这首歌是美国旧金山合唱团模仿哥萨克合唱团所唱,仍保留有苏军威风凛凛的气概。

I am the Doctor



这首歌是日本作曲家小泽正澄(Ozawa Masazumi)的代表作,流行很广。它对于广大人民来说听上去非常耳熟,这首歌是CCTV-5栏目“”的栏目配乐之一(也是十佳进球背景音乐),在其他节目中也曾屡屡出现,甚至日本SNK公司旗下著名街机游戏《拳皇》也用了这首歌做kyo战斗时的配乐(kyo,即草薙京)。










这是一首具有中国特色的乐曲,在周星驰的**里出现的机率较高,一般是大BOSS出现时,这音乐就会响起,如:《大话西游2》 、《功夫》








《暗战》是刘德华和刘青云主演的一部警匪片,里面有两段插曲是非常好听的,其中一段是刘德华走上天台时的插曲,气势磅礴,一点也不比breath and life差,这首歌叫《我没有时间了》。

Palace memories


继喜多郎之后日本乐界唯一享誉全球的New age音乐团体—神思者,在《故宫》千年文化的熏陶下,终于创造出这部永远经典的大乐章,这是三部曲中的首部力作。《故宫三部曲》是神思者为NHK电视台纪录片《故宫》所作的配乐,其配乐精湛若斯,音乐符跌宕,随着历史叙述的起伏不断变换着节奏,低沉的打击乐仿佛敲响了永乐朝的大钟,故宫琉璃瓦覆盖下的庄严大殿代表着他们心中思慕的文明国度的瑰丽与辉煌。

神思者是由深浦昭彦和胜木由佳莉组成的一支二人乐团S.E.N.S(Sound,earth,nature,spirit)成立于年。他们 的配乐作品,除了脍炙人口的「悲情城市」、「海上丝路」系列外,还有日本电视剧「爱情白皮书」、「青鸟」、「神啊、请多给我一点时间」、「二千年之恋」等。他们的音乐融合有深浦昭彦 的 Rock/Pops 乐风,配合胜木由加利的古典素养互补不足,再加上电子合成技术造成的效果,在日本音乐界掀起一阵旋风。为了配合NHK特集「海上丝路」系列电视录制的配乐,他们将团名改为含有「 sense 」(感性) 与「 Cense 」(焚香) 两种意味的「 S.E.N.S.」。至此 S.E.N.S. (神思者) 正式成立。

这支成军逾二十年的新世纪音乐团体是日本乃至全世界都不可多得的New age大师组合,被称为日本国内“治疗乐”的先驱。在1988年神思者已经凭借《海上丝路》配乐三部曲奠定了他们在New age音乐领域的坚实地位,为**《悲情城市》的配乐使他们获得金狮奖最佳杰作奖。

Still Waiting

此曲出自2002年Sum 41专辑《Does This Look Infected?》,曾作为专辑的首发单曲。该曲具有浓厚的摇滚金属气息,有一定叛逆风格。总体上令人精神振奋,百听不腻。(PS:听后的感觉:非常与众不同,如果你是热爱FPS射击游戏的人,那么你听这歌就会热血沸腾,的超级叛逆风格(有个外国现场演唱最后还有个砸场局面)非常受年轻人热爱,非常容易沉浸进去,也是《反恐精英》游戏主题曲。同样,许多玩家在制作《魔兽世界》PVP时,也会用这首,配合劲爆的PVP战斗,令人热血沸腾。

No Escape

《生化危机浣熊市行动》主题曲,此曲出自Coldrain的Through Clarity第一支单曲。

Vortal Combat


该配乐由Kelly Bailey,被收录到valve官方的音乐专辑The Orange Box Original Soundtrack中。

Electric Romeo

是由神秘的配乐组织immediate music所创作。是一首配乐经典上的史诗,其内容表现为庞大的战争,浴血奋战的人们,给人以身临其境之感。其版本分为教堂版(choir)、非教堂版和人声版。

作为一首教父级配乐,Electric romeo以“战争”为题材, 以宏伟的气势,壮观的景象,猛烈的节奏感为主题, 使我们重新看到了真正霸气的音乐, 真正励志的音乐。如果要上升到一个高度的话,那就是一种精神, 一种永不言败的精神,一种为战而战的精神。这首音乐可谓是战争的“万能配乐”。直到现在, 很多的游戏、**、宣传片、各种原创等都在用到这首音乐。Electric romeo如一根充满火焰的针,挑起我们心中那根正在沉睡,等待奋战的神经,使我们不屈向前。它,百听不厌;它,永垂不朽。


七剑战歌(Seven Swords’Victory)






忍者龙剑传 - Fc - B05 鲜烈のリュウ

忍者龙剑传 - 2飘雪



The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend - Hans Zimmer (悲壮至极。)

Mw3 end credits -Brian Tyler《使命召唤8》结尾制作人员名单背景BGM

Call of Duty: Mw3 -Brian Tyler(MW3的主题曲。这首重点推荐,曾被《奔跑吧兄弟》两次作为背景配乐)

Paris Siege -Brian Tyler  Opening Credits Hans Zimmer (使命召唤6经典插曲)

勇士之歌(The warrior song)


勇士之歌是美国私人募捐团体为军队募捐使用所创作的劲曲,主创者为Sean Householder。勇士之歌有两个版本,硬汉版是Sean Householder与Tom Reynolds专门为海军陆战队创作和使用的。2010年7月,勇士之歌在youtube上发布后便引起了音乐迷军迷的热烈追捧。

《环太平洋》主题配乐(Pacific Rim)




壮丽七雄(The Magnificent Seven)



气势恢宏(The Legend Of Ashitaka)

《幽灵公主》主题曲  毫无疑问,久石让作为一名音乐大师,他的配乐与宫崎骏已经征服了一代又一代的中国人。久石让的《阿席达卡The Legend of Ashitaka Theme》,是《幽灵公主》的配乐。它的音乐的内涵不仅是悲壮,与宫崎骏的动漫一样,人们总是从中找到自己。



Orchard of Mines


Globus 是由 Immediate Music (Immediate Music是一个为好莱坞等欧美无数**大片的预告片制作背景音乐的专业音乐制作公司,外界对其旗下艺人知之不多,颇为神秘) 旗下的制作人、作曲家、歌手组成的一个乐团,由于 IM 的音乐广受好评。

Blackrock & Roll



我个人不喜欢听那些流俗的歌,像什么 死了都要爱,月亮之上,香烟爱上火柴(看到歌曲的名字我就想吐),连哭都是我的错,等等之类的,总觉得很那个,在公车上听到有人放这些歌,我真想像一巴掌打过去,哈哈,说笑!下面我推荐一些歌出来,相信楼主要是认真去听的话,我敢说这些歌中80%你都会喜欢的。

1. aimini - 遇,这首歌只能用一个字形容,爽。。

2. aimini - 烟雨烟雨, 很是不错,特别是后半部分.

3. bond - Victory ,古典辣妹演绎的,纯音乐来的 ,没听过这首的枉来人世。

4. bond - Winter ,也是古典辣妹的,这首歌是越听越hi .

5. Kamal - on my wings ,澳大利亚new age 流派音乐代表人 kamal名作。

6. sweety - 爱的号码牌 ,旋律优美,琅琅上口。

7. wax - 想爱 ,有点特别的声音,看着MV的话会更有感觉。

8. Yanni - With an orchid ,中文名“和兰花在一起”,yanni的这首曲子确是经典,凤凰卫视天气预报的背景乐。

9. 滨崎步 - dearest最爱,这首歌充分体现了滨崎步的唱功。

10. 陈慧恬 - 爱情,旋律不错的。。

11. 陈倩倩 - 婴儿 ,仿佛是远古来的天籁之音。

12. 蔡龄龄 - 解脱,蔡龄龄的歌比较少听,但是这首确是不错,很有港味。

13. 纯音乐 - Anthem ,Vangelis创作的02世界杯足球赛闭幕曲.动感十足,气度不凡。

14. 纯音乐 - Attraction ,Masazumi Ozawa(小泽正澄)创作的,CCTV5十佳球的背景音乐。

15. 纯音乐 - beat JP ,梁邦彦 创作的 beat JP ,是甄子丹版精武门的背景乐,各种乐器配合演奏恰到好处,听起来令人心潮澎湃,斗志昂扬。

16. 纯音乐 - Endless Horizon ,班得瑞名作之一,很清新纯净,幽深的感觉。

17. 纯音乐 - 才子佳人 ,梅花三弄之鬼丈夫经典配乐,很多武侠剧引用。

18. 纯音乐 - 卡农(电吉他版),台湾Jerry C 御用卡农电吉他的伴奏,很有气势和技术性。

19. 纯音乐 - 少林雄风,黄沾/鲍比达联合打造的一首名曲,情定少林寺的原声配乐,被昆仑奴等武侠剧引用,可谓经典,实乃“此曲只应天上有,为何天籁落凡间”。。。

20. 纯音乐- 雪花飞扬 ,惠威试音碟中其中一首,亦为天籁之音。

21. 关欣 - 今夜不设防 ,关欣歌不多,这首好听,小家碧玉味道十足但又略带娇媚之感。

22. 郭静 - 下一个天亮 ,非常质感,贴心的一首歌。旋律也不错。

23. 杭宏 - 多情总比无情苦,甘十九妹主题曲,旋律极其优美而富有韵味,和声亦十分出彩。

24. 河佑善 - question ,非常的一首歌。

25. 侯湘婷 - 冷战 ,侯湘婷人气虽不是很高,但是她一直都是我比较欣赏的歌手,很迷恋她的声音。推荐这首冷战,确实不错,还有一首“为你流的泪”同样好听。

25. 黄思婷 - 问情 ,可能黄思婷这个歌手较少人知道。她是台湾的一个歌手,其作品大多与佛有关,她的很多歌都很好听的。问情只是其中之一。

26. 蒋修容 - 红尘有爱,年纪小的网友可能都不知道这首歌,这首歌是 台湾电视剧红尘有爱的主题曲,非常耐听。。

27. 景甜 - 还爱你,北影美女景甜,相信很多人都知道,但是她的歌可能不多人知道。这首还爱你 是QQ飞车的代言歌曲,她还有几首歌都不错的,像 你是谁 ,不懂爱。

28. 玖建 - 爱你一生嫌不够 ,天知道地知道你知道,何处不江湖,这三首歌是新加坡连续剧昆仑奴插曲之一 ,极力推荐。。每当听到这几首歌,我都能想起小时候见到郭淑贤饰演的那个白衣MM张颖飘然出现在摩勒面前的情景。

29. 刘思惠 - I wanna be ,刘思惠是香港组合3T之一,我非常欣赏这首歌 的和声和旋律。

30. 蒙恩使女 - 感应, 很少听说蒙恩使女这个组合吧,没关系,歌好听就行啦。。

31. 梦剧院 - 无声的风铃,歌的后面的部分极度悦耳。

32. 倪雅丰 - 红雪莲 ,好听,耐听,这首歌有两个版本,一个是清唱版,一个是电子鼓版。

33. 女生宿舍 - 望星打卦 ,女生宿舍的精品之作。还有一首 我不怕输 也不错。

34. 任贤齐 - 爱你的最后一天, 天王巨星的好歌。

35. 容锦昌 - 美梦成真 ,这首歌网上基本绝版,不过确实好听,是亚视电视剧美梦成真的主题曲。

36. 头文字D - space boy ,不错,劲道十足。

37. 卫诗 - 傻女 ,类DJ歌曲中的极品。

38. 杨林 - 情人 ,很纯净的,声音很有特色的一首歌。

39. 叶蕴仪 - 如果你真的爱我就不要让我伤心 ,虽然是老歌,但是应该不多人听过,不用说,好听。。

40. 张清芳 - 纯粹 ,台湾美音张清芳,歌喉实在是好得没话说,声音清澈,感染力十足。芳姐的很多歌都不错。。

41. 赵咏华 - 求婚,有点调皮但是很有情调的一首歌。。

42. Phuong Thanh - Dem Lao Xao , 这首由越南流行女歌手Phuong Thanh(芳清)演绎的歌曲让人听了欲罢不能。恋恋三季的主题曲.